Granted, in an ideal world we’d have both, but as we all know the world isvery much far from ideal. So, within this context, we pit the two devicesagainst one another to see which is worth your hard-earned cash.
Obviously, the iPad, at 9.7-inches, is significantly larger than the3.5-inch iPhone 4 – this is a given. Another given is that both are designedfor different purposes. But, on the whole, when you look at the actual coreaspects of the screen, such as pixels, there isn’t that much in it – eventhough the iPad is much bigger.
For example, the iPad has a screen resolution of 1024 x 768, which is,indeed, very impressive and because of its size it’s obviously better suitedfor watching films on than the smaller iPhone 4.
Nevertheless, the iPhone 4 packs an impressive 960 x 640 pixels into its3.5-inch screen, which, when you consider the size difference, is pretty damngood.
So with this in mind we’d say the iPad if you were more inclined to bewatching a lot of films and videos and the iPhone 4 for a more general allround performer.
Verdict: The iPad is a lot bigger and, therefore, better in some respects,for viewing videos and films – but that’s about it.
Storage has always been a thorn in Apple’s side and its products, bar theold-school iPods, never seem to have enough storage. And with the iPad andiPhone 4 not much changed.
The iPad comes with three storage options: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.
The iPhone 4, on the other hand, comes with two: 16GB and 32GB.
Overall, we expected more from both – 60 to 80GB at least – and were alittle disappointed with the announcement that the most you’d be able to getacross both was 64GB on the iPad.
You can understand the iPhone 4’s rather limited storage, but the amountavailable on the iPad is practically criminal – 64GB? And, this is meant to beenough room for apps, videos, music, pictures and games? We think not. Sorry,Apple.
Verdict: Obviously, the iPad has more, but we’d have liked a lot more –especially when you consider the difference in size. In this context, then,we’d say the iPhone 4 is better value than the iPad simply because it issmaller and serves its – storage – responsibilities better as a product.
CPU and Processor
Both the iPhone 4 and the iPad use Apple’s 1GHz A4 chipset, so there’s notmuch difference here then. However, the iPhone 4 has twice as much RAM as theiPad at 512MB, which means performing operations and running applications willbe a significantly smoother process on the iPhone 4.
Many may find this shocking and, to be perfectly honest, so do we – whydoesn’t the iPad have the same, or more, RAM than the iPhone 4?
Verdict: The iPhone 4, every time.
In terms of connectivity – providing you get the 3G enabled iPad – it’s apretty even playing field with both devices packing in all the connectivityyou’d expect (Wi-Fi, EDGE, HSDPA, GPRS and A-GPS) from an Apple product.
That said, you will have to pay extra for the 3G-enablment on the iPad and,while you will pay for data on an iPhone 4, it’s hardly the same thing –everybody, after all, is used to forking out £30 a month and getting calls,data and texts.
Unfortunately, it isn’t the same on the iPad and if you have a smartphone aswell, you’ll be paying another data fee on top of your phones – plus, there’sno tethering allowed on the iPad.
Verdict: Again, in terms of value, the iPhone 4 gets our vote – it has morefunctionality as a device and its data allowance is usually included within acontract tariff of Pre-Pay scheme – why the hell would you want another?
This is a real simple one: the iPhone 4 has two cameras, one a front-facingVGA (640 x 48 pixel) camera and a 5-megapixel (2592 x 1944 pixel) camera roundthe back.
The iPad, on the other hand, has none.
You’d think Apple would have included at least a front-facing camera on theiPad for things like Skype or calling iPhone 4 users with FaceTime – but itdoesn’t, and, for this reason, we think Apple has really missed a trick here.
Verdict: iPhone 4
The new iPhone is composed of glass and metal and, if you’ve seen the promoshots, you’ll know it really looks the part and is a clear progression from thenow old-school iPhone 3G and 3GS’ of the world.
We also really like the sound of the improvements Apple has made to thecamera, as well as the inclusion of a front-facing VGA one too. All in all, wereally like the look of the new iPhone 4 – it’s smart, stylish and has all thefinishing we’d hoped for.
Unfortunately, the same can not be said for the iPad, which, if we’rehonest, does look a little bit like a massive iPhone 3G. Don’t get us wrong, wedo really like the device, but we’re not convinced it’s the best –aesthetically speaking – that Apple could do.
Who knows, maybe Apple will pull out all the stops on the next iPad? Butuntil then we have to say the iPhone 4 is both a superior product and also amuch better looking one – plus, it has a hell of a lot more features than theiPad.
Verdict: iPhone 4
In our opinion, if you have the best part of £500 to spend and you’re tornbetween the iPhone 4 and the iPad, there’s only one real choice – and that isthe iPhone 4.
However, you could also just get both – but not many people will fall intothis category, unfortunately, except of course Stephen Fry.
The iPad is a brilliant device, but it lacks some features that we’d reallyexpected – plus, you can’t expand the storage and there’s no camera ortethering.
The iPhone 4 on the other hand, which doesn’t have amazing storage, doeshave a lot of additional features that make up for it – plus, you can call andtext people from it and keep all your mobile data tariffs under one roof,because if you get an iPad, you’ll have to fork out for a new one – and to us,this seems a bit unnecessary and could have been avoided had Apple allowedtethering between the iPhone and the iPad.
by Richard Goodwin
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